I don't ever recall talking about Vincent and Ada in Pandora Hearts. Pandora Hearts is a really complicated story which is why this post is only made for fans that have caught upbut just in case... SPOILER~SPOILER~SPOILER~SPOILER~SPOILER~SPOILER~SPOILER~SPOILER~SPOILER
We have now crossed the Spoiler line meaning whatever I say will not be held against me (Spoiler Wise). As many of you know now, Ada is ....weirdishly creepy. She is a huge fan of torture (Something Vincent is fond of). I am not a huge fan of Vincent and Ada but the author (Jun) is a fan. Vincent and Ada's relationship parallels Jacks and Lacies relationship. Ada (Vessalius) fell in love with Vincent (Child of Misfortune). He, however, doesn't see the point in love or anything like Lacie. In fact, Lacie didn't understand for feelings for Jack until her remaining days. Vincent is showing some signs of fondness for Ada. He still considers her inferior but anyone could tell he feels something. I feel as if Jun (The author) is going to use their Vessalius-Child of Misfortune relationship sometime in the manga.Ada must have a purpose for Jack in the story! Jack killed Rachael (Wife of Zai Vessalius), Zai Vessalius' unborn son. Oscars wife and child but Jack did not kill Ada. She is useful to him. Either he knows that her situation will replicate his past in the future or he has something else diabolical in mind. Anyway just wanted to inform you guys on what I think.
Well since you asked.... Courtesan of a Nation (Ikkoku Keisei)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciteddddd I cannnn't hideeeeeee it. I mean come on! IT IS MY FAVORITE ARC!!!!! THE AWESOMWNESSSSSSS < so awesome it needs to be spelled wrong XD. * by the way is does any one know how to change tumblr back to the way it was. I hate how they sectioned each post in a box and and definitely hate how they sort it by most popular post than most recent.
Dear Readers, I apologize for not making a post in a long time. The truth is that I wrote two posts but then my computer started acting funky and well I didn't save the posts and... RIP two posts. Once I realized that the posts didn't survive, I got mad, shut down my computer and played with my cat. You see when I hold a grudge or when I get ticked off I stay that way for a LONG time. Everytime I opened my blog, I was reminded of the posts I lost and I got ticked off and exited the page. Hopefully that won't happen again. I have reviewed some of the series that I am currently reading however I have fail to write a review on the series that I have finished reading such as Inuyasha, Tsubasa, Kobato, One Pound Gospel and more. I will try to get more reviews out this year! Please be patient! Kanna