Dear Readers,
I apologize for not making a post in a long time. The truth is that I wrote two posts but then my computer started acting funky and well I didn't save the posts and... RIP two posts. Once I realized that the posts didn't survive, I got mad, shut down my computer and played with my cat. You see when I hold a grudge or when I get ticked off I stay that way for a LONG time. Everytime I opened my blog, I was reminded of the posts I lost and I got ticked off and exited the page. Hopefully that won't happen again. I have reviewed some of the series that I am currently reading however I have fail to write a review on the series that I have finished reading such as Inuyasha, Tsubasa, Kobato, One Pound Gospel and more. I will try to get more reviews out this year! Please be patient!
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